
Remote – Family Health Care

Optimal Healing Pathways (OHP)
Using the QEST4

Real Family Wellness at Optimal Healing Pathways (OHP)


Balancing Your Body-Fields Energetically to Achieve Optimal Health

If you are you looking for holistic natural alternative health care, specializing in energetic testing, then you have come to the right place.

Due to the CoVid19 pandemic and health official’s directives for social distancing and sheltering in place, OHP’s services is presently being offered remotely.

All you need to do is fill out the CONTACT page form indicating the type of service you are looking for.  Then follow the directions provided in this site to appropriately submit body specimens by mail, collection instructions, and health history documentation needed for the test.

If this is the type of health care approach you are looking for, then our services are ideal for:

  • You, your family members, including your pets.
  • Those experiencing compromised health – acute or degenerative.
  • Those not feeling well regardless of using other health approaches.
  • Those who live far away from a bio-energetic health care practitioner – within the US.
  • Those with transportation difficulties. Traveling becomes complicated.
  • Those who squirm on invasive lab tests.

Discover the Power of Energetics

When you are tested remotely using energetics, you will learn valuable and powerful information normally not discussed in a medical environment.  This is because the technology we use, the QEST4 System, discloses patterns of causal imbalances that explains why you are not feeling well.  The QEST4 is not a diagnostics tool and no one at OHP will label your symptoms.  This is not the purpose of energetic testing.

In summary, the assessment will help you appreciate how in a matter of minutes, your entire body is assessed to resonate with thousands of toxic and balancing items embedded in the QEST4 software.  Only your body will recognize the causes that create imbalances and the reasons that explain why you are not to feeling well.

The Root Causes

At OHP we focus on root-cause analysis. Our therapy programs are totally non-invasive and give no side effects.

An example of some of the root causes that create health imbalances and that only your body may recognize during the assessment are:

  • Allergens - Food or Environmental
  • Bacterial signatures
  • Chemical filters
  • Dental issues
  • Dietary sensitivities
  • Emotional or mental imbalances
  • Endocrine imbalances
  • Heavy Metal toxicity
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lyme issues
  • Miasmic predispositions
  • Oxidative stress
  • Parasitic signatures
  • Polarity signatures
  • Vaccine residues
  • Vertebral misalignment
  • Viral signatures
  • And more.

The Technology

The QEST4 technology’s data base is too extensive to enumerate. It is also very comprehensive as it deals with the entire physical, mental and emotional parts of your body energetically. We call this type of testing HOLISTIC.

Depending on your state of health, we recommend 3-6 visits to achieve wellness.  Compromised health may require extended visits to support and maintain health.

What Steps to Take

Simply fill out the CONTACT form and submit.

Follow the instructions for body specimen collection and how and where to send.  Complete the Health History form and sign the Agreement to Consent.  Then include with body samples in an envelope and immediately place in the mail.

We look forward to serving you and your family. Once you join our remote wellness program using the Qest4 System for energetic assessments, you will be delighted that you have found us to experience the quality of life you deserve.

Remember. Our goal is to assist you and your family to achieve wellness in the least amount of time.

We look forward to working with you as a team. Working as a team means: We provide the health care energetically and you commit to comply with our therapy of wellness.

Once you join and begin to experience this type of testing, you will be on a positive journey to bring about the benefits of LONG-LASTING WELLNESS.

Please contact us to schedule your first appointment.


Real Pet Wellness at Optimal Healing Pathways (OHP)

Using the QEST4

Where OHP Balances Your Pet’s Body-Fields to Achieve Optimal Health!

  • Are you looking for holistic natural health care for your pets?
  • Is your pet experiencing compromised health? Not feeling well?
  • You live far away from a pet’s healthcare provider?
  • Transportation of pet is difficult?
  • Pet gets easily traumatized when visiting a clinic?
  • Then you have come to the right place!

Discover OHP’s Power of Bio-energetic Healthcare for Pets

  • Learn about the root causes for pet’s health imbalances
  • How is it done?
  • Simply submit Hair and Saliva samples for assessment
  • Collect specimens in the comfort of the pet’s own environment
  • Dogs, Cats - Any size - Any breed
  • This is natural and holistic pet care at its best
  • Give your pets what they need - They deserve to be healthy
  • At OHP pets do not experience invasive tests
  • Your pet will thank you

Functional Tests

  • Allergen Sensitivities
  • Chemical Toxicity
  • Circulatory Disturbances
  • Digestive Maladies
  • Emotional Stressors
  • Female Issues
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Immune Disorders
  • Inherited Predispositions
  • Joint Ailments
  • Metabolic Disturbances
  • Neurotransmitter Imbalances
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Pathogenic Signatures
  • Phenolic Sensitivities
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Skin Afflictions
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Urinary Disorders
  • Weight Loss
  • Male Issues, etc.

The Scan Reports:

  • Your pet’s present health status
  • Root causes for health imbalances
  • Immediate resolutions for wellness

How Do I Get my Pet Started?

Schedule your appointment today. Simply use the CONTACT page on our website to notify us that you wish to have your pet assessed remotely. Fill out the forms in SERVICES and submit. This information is vital. Someone from OHP will contact you for further instructions and payment.

Once we receive the body specimens and our service fee is paid, we will email:

  • Results from the assessment
  • Recommended wellness therapy
  • Dosage or therapy instructions

A brief consultation will be scheduled.  Therapy remedies will be mailed directly to your home address to get your pet started on a wellness program.

Depending on how compromised your pet’s health is, we may recommend 3-6 visits to achieve wellness.

We look forward to serving you in behalf of your pet(s). Once you join our remote wellness program using the Qest4 and our non-invasive form of energetic testing, you will be delighted to have found us.  Your pets deserve to experience quality health.

Remember. Our goal is to assist your pet(s) to achieve long lasting wellness in the least amount of time.

OHP is an Insurance-free Natural Health Practice

We like the term insurance-free because natural remedies that are recommended apart from insurance allows us the freedom to serve you and not the insurance carrier. This means that we are free to pursue the most effective remedy therapy for your unique health needs.

Our direct-pay health care practice may be different from what you are used to, and we understand. However, there are some advantages you may want to consider:

  • Insurance-free remedies put you in the driver’s seat.
  • Insurance-free remedies may be lower than your deductibles.
  • An insurance-free approach to health care is often more comprehensive and higher in quality.
  • Choosing a more natural approach is not considered “standard and customary” by the insurance carriers. Our health approach becomes unique and reason enough why our services are not covered under the CPT Coding.
  • There are some companies that carry a Health Care Savings Account and FLEX Spending Accounts. You may be able to file our testing fees against these, and it does not require additional fees.
  • Over 80% of our clients have medical insurance, and they still choose us for their health care needs.
  • Considering the level of attention you will experience at OHP, the difference is worth the effort, time, and cost.